Welcome to the CoMapeo Categories Library!
Communities worldwide have customized the categories in Mapeo to map and monitor their specific environments and contexts. This is usually done through local decision-making processes where people get together to identify what they want to map and how they want to visually represent it on a map. We have learned in the process of accompanying them, and created these sets of categories (which we call collections) for our new upgraded version CoMapeo, to facilitate your journey and inspire you in the process of making your own.
Collections can be as diverse as the territories on this planet. However, Earth Defenders share different purposes and challenges across regions, with a common purpose of protecting what they love. We hope that these collections of pre-defined sets of categories, with their icons, will support diverse purposes in diverse territories.

Impact Monitoring: The categories in this collection will help you document and collect evidence of the presence and impacts of diverse external threats in your territory, such as those related to industries (oil, mining, fishing, poaching to name a few) as well as illegal human activities and different forms of pollution.

Biodiversity Monitoring: Are you interested in documenting the changes and movements of the rich biodiversity of your territory? To count the number of birds and animals you can hear, where are the medicinal plants or bodies of water? This collection will help you map and monitor the different forms of life within your territory.

Cultural Mapping: Maps are powerful tools to collectively document and communicate people’s intimate relationship to their territory. Through place-based songs, storytelling, arts and music Indigenous Peoples across the world document the stories of their land and their ancestors. This collection will help you map that ancestral knowledge, creativity, and relationship of care for your community with your land.

How can I use this library?
Each collection contains visually distinctive SVG icons to facilitate the organization and understanding of your data. You only have to:
- Download the “comapeocat.” file by clicking on the download icon on the right side of the collection.
- Open CoMapeo and go to the Project Configuration.
- Import configuration.
- Share the file with your mapping team members.
- Start mapping!
Are you interested in using more than one library? Dont worry! With CoMapeo, you can now manage different projects and collections within the same mapping process.
We want to hear from you!
Our dream is to make this a space where CoMapeo users can share their libraries with other Earth Defenders, and explore the ones that others are using. If you have ideas or feedback, we would love to hear from you. Email us at info@awana.digital