[Video] What is the Earth Defenders Toolkit?

At a time when threats to Indigenous Peoples and their territories are increasing, creating spaces where they can share their stories, skills, and experiences is a powerful response and act of solidarity. This was the intention behind Earth Defenders Toolkit (EDT): a platform and network to support, articulate, and amplify the work of frontline environmental defenders across the world. 

The EDT contains profiles of tools that could be helpful and use cases describing how groups are using them to defend their territories. Three tools are currently highlighted: Mapeo for mapping and monitoring, Terrastories for recording and sharing stories, and Āhau an application from Aotearoa (New Zealand) for recording genealogies and cultural archiving, but there are plans to increase the number of tools profiled and usecases described. 

However the toolkit is not simply about the tools: the experiences and co-creation processes behind each technology integrate a network of relationships and partnerships that sustain it. 

This network of people and organizations met together in the Ecuadorian Amazon in May 2023, during the Earth Defenders Toolkit Gathering, convened by Digital Democracy. In this video, partners and allies from Waorani, Siona, Wayana and Mohawk territories, share their experiences with using these tools and the inspiring connections that were nourished at the Gathering. 

Watch the full video here and visit the Earth Defenders Toolkit website to explore the tools and stories behind them!